Hogwarts Library Quiz: Can You Get Perfect?

One of the central locations at Hogwarts is the library. We see Harry Potter and his gang spend a lot of time there during the series. Whether they are studying, looking for a certain spell, or just hanging out, it is a central hangout spot for them. As a result, fans of the series should be very familiar with the Hogwarts library. We have put together a quiz to test your knowledge on it.

Hogwarts Library Quiz

Instructions: This is in multiple choice format and should be pretty easy to follow. We will give you the results at the very end.

Let's Start With An Easy One. What Is The Section Of The Library That Students Aren't Allowed To Go In?
Who is the Hogwarts School Librarian when Harry Potter is in school?
What time does the library close, as revealed in the Goblet of Fire book?
In Harry's first year, he snuck into the restricted section of the library. Who was he trying to research?
Hermione took out a book called 'Moste Potente Potions' from the restricted section. What did she brew from this book?
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Trivia Questions & Answers

1) What Is The Section Of The Library That Students Aren’t Allowed To Go In?

This is called “The Restricted Section” and it was behind a rope. Books in this section were considered to be inappropriate for younger students.

2) Who is the Hogwarts School Librarian when Harry Potter is in school?

Madam Irma Pince was the librarian at Hogwarts when Harry was at school. She was known to be unpleasant to students and was very protective of the books in the library.

Pince was played by Sally Mortemore in the films. She only appeared briefly in the Chamber of Secrets movie

3) What time does the library close, as revealed in the Goblet of Fire book?

It was revealed in Goblet of Fire book that the library closes at 8:00 PM. This was in chapter 20 of the book, which was titled The First Task.

4) In Harry’s first year, he snuck into the restricted section of the library. Who was he trying to research?

The answer of this was Nicolas Flamel. Harry Potter used his invisibility cloak to sneak into the restricted section to get some details on Flamel and the Philosopher’s Stone.

5) Hermione took out a book called ‘Moste Potente Potions’ from the restricted section. What did she brew from this book?

This book was ‘Moste Potente Potions‘ by Phineas Bourne. Hermione used the book to brew some Polyjuice Potion in Prisoner of Azkaban.

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Make sure to also try our Department of Mysteries quiz.

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