Avada Kedavra Quiz: Test Yourself On The Killing Curse

Avada Kedavra is better known to Harry Potter fans as the ‘killing curse’. It is the worst of the three Unforgivable Curses, as it kills whoever gets hit by it. We have put together an Avada Kedavra quiz, which will test your knowledge. This will mostly be based on characters from the series who have used the curse or have been victims of it.

Instructions: This is in multiple choice format and we will let you know how you scored at the end. Should be pretty simple to follow!

Avada Kedavra Quiz

What was the name of the muggle caretaker who Lord Voldemort used the curse on in Goblet of Fire?
Who used the curse on a fox in Half-Blood Prince?
Who did Peter Pettigrew use the killing curse on?
Which of these names was NOT killed by the curse?
What was the name of the Muggle Studies professor who Voldemort used the curse on?
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Trivia Questions & Answers

1) What was the name of the muggle caretaker who Lord Voldemort used the curse on in Goblet of Fire?

Frank Bryce was the name of the caretaker that was murdered by Lord Voldemort. This came after he overheard Voldemort talking about his plans to kill Harry Potter.

Harry Potter had a vivid dream of this moment and he witnessed the death of Bryce as a result of the killing curse.

2) Who used the curse on a fox?

Bellatrix Lestrange used the curse on a fox when she was going to visit Severus Snape at Spinner’s End. She thought the fox might have been an Auror in disguise, so she used the killing curse on it.

On a related note, make sure to try our Bellatrix Lestrange quiz after this one.

3) Who did Peter Pettigrew use the killing curse on?

Peter Pettigrew was the one that used the curse on Cedric Diggory in Goblet of Fire. Voldemort was too weak at the time, and it was Pettigrew that killed him.

4) Which of these names was NOT killed by the curse? (Hedwig, Bertha Jorkins, Aurora Sinistra, or Tom Riddle Sr.

The answer is Aurora Sinistra as she was not killed with the curse. She was best known for being the Hogwarts Librarian and was not killed during the series.

The other three were killed by the cruse.

On a related note, make sure to take our quiz about the Hogwarts library.

5) What was the name of the Muggle Studies professor who Voldemort used the curse on?

Charity Burbage was the name of the Muggle Studies professor who Voldemort used the curse on. She was dangling over the table in front of the Death Eaters and begging for Severus Snape to help her. Snape was unable to help as he was undercover and Voldemort killed her with the curse.

How did you score on the quiz? Make sure to let us know in the comment section below or on Facebook.

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